
Gamification grew from a mix of interacting trends and traditions in interaction design and games. Gamification describes those features of an interactive system that aim to motivate and engage end-users through the use of game elements and mechanics. The two common definitions of gamification in academic research are by Deterding et al.1 and Huotari and Hamari2. The former defines gamification as “use of game design elements in non-game contexts”, whereas the latter defines gamification as a “process of enhancing a service with affordances for gameful experiences in order to support user’s overall value creation.” The key differences …

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Technology, your daily companion and more if only you let it

Tomorrow, contrary to initial plans, only brought more delays. I had planned to do more but wasn’t able to for one reason or another. I ended up spending more time on one task than I should have.

Now, many tasks are behind schedule and the approaching deadline is a bit too soon. If only there was a system to track and remind us of our own plans which we sometimes fail to meet! Sound familiar? A trivial example, perhaps but a pointer to the most basic of problems that technology can help us to address if only it is …

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