
The main articles included in my PhD are:

  1. A literature review that used the Persuasive Systems Design (PSD) model’s persuasion context analyses to review behavioural economics studies in the main IS journals (Oduor and Oinas-Kukkonen, 2017).
  2. A study that used the PSD model to examine the persuasive features of a system developed based on the concepts investigated in the first study (Oduor and Oinas-Kukkonen, 2017).
  3. A feature-level analysis (Oduor and Oinas-Kukkonen, 2015) examining various social web systems persuasive software features. Both studies 2 and 3 examined how persuasive software features in different systems facilitate user engagement and influence behaviour.
  4. Based on the findings of the preceding studies, the other two articles proposed the development of persuasive software design patterns. These patterns were based on the PSD model’s human-computer dialogue ((Oduor and Oinas-Kukkonen, 2017) and social support features (Oduor and Oinas-Kukkonen, 2014) which were found to be important in enhancing user engagement and influencing user behaviours.

Below is a list of my publications auto-compiled using BibBase.